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Healthy Hair, Happier You

At Body & Face Clinic, we understand the importance of luscious locks and the impact they have on your confidence.


Our Trichology experts specialize in diagnosing and treating various hair and scalp conditions, providing tailored solutions for your unique needs. 

Trichology Treatments

Trichology offers a guiding hand to those seeking accurate information and valuable advice to address their scalp and hair concerns, recognizing the profound impact hair loss can have on self-esteem and daily life. The uncertainty around hair fall or thinning can lead to distress, especially when attempts to alleviate issues like scaly scalp or persistent flakes prove fruitless, potentially exacerbating the problem due to stress.


Fortunately, we're here to provide tailored advice and suitable treatments if necessary. Understanding your unique situation and crafting an effective management and treatment strategy is essential, given that hair loss or persistent scalp problems are deeply personal and emotionally challenging experiences.


While off-the-shelf solutions may work for some, results can differ widely. Consulting with our trichologist ensures you receive personalized guidance and a bespoke plan tailored just for you, which might include recommended products and trichological preparations. These specialized products, distinct from prescription-only medications, address concerns such as stimulating new hair growth, managing ongoing scalp issues, or addressing hair loss.


Our mission is to equip you with the finest advice, support, and treatments to navigate your hair or scalp conditions, fostering confidence and reducing stress.

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Meet Our Hair & Scalp Expert

Tracey is an expert on scalps and hair with over 20 years experience. She trained in nutrition and medical conditions giving her more insight into the causes of both scalp and hair conditions. 


Her ethos is to find natural products and treatments which will help your scalp and hair heal and recover, working in harmony with the body and the environment. She is known for her careful consideration of products and treatments to ensure you get a good result. She investigates your diet and lifestyle to give you the best results and have good hair recovery.  Clients who would benefit with microneedling treatments will be referred to our skilled therapist who will get your hair regrowing.


Not everyone will need treatment products. Sometimes you may just need advice on which shampoo, conditioner or styling products will be less harmful or beneficial to your hair. She offers bespoke treatment plans designed for you.


If you are having problems with your scalp or hair get in touch, or book a free consultation.

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